Itra Points, Skyrunner World Series, WMRA World Cup and many more. Nobody can state to own the ultimate and foolproof world ranking in off-road run, because off-road run is an abstract science still living its paleolithic age.

Secret should be to select races upon which build the ranking, by fair and technically verified criteria, but even in that which I consider the best one and the most complete, the ITRA ranking, something is missing.
WMRA had a big chance to cooperate with IAAF (today World Athletics) but ideas were too confused and wills not strong enough. This brought to a great loss, and even the World Cup Rank, that could be a good solution, lost huge part of its credibility due to poor decisions in the 2019 calendar (‘cause 2020 is still a mystery, 🙁 shame on them), bad influence by the so called “world champion” (not mine champion for sure) and ridiculous support by organizers.
To be very clear: we live in a world in which the best athletes may not have the chance to reach world champs location, because of money, phantom national federation, visa, politics . . . essentially: SHIT

SWS has its own rank, closed to their series races, sharply updated and clearly communicated. It’s limited at this speciality of skyrunning but does absolutely have a sense.
At final I decided to play my game, except for ITRA which should be finally seen as the only World Ranking and i look at it quite often, I love to note on my Moleskine the trends, the rumors, especially results and thoughts of mountain runners which I meet during the season, and when I think at the best races, with best traditions, with long history, then I find my top ranked, and Ball don’t Lie ! (cit. Rasheed Wallace)